Comparing Fractions and Whole Numbers

Compare Fractions and Whole Numbers: Learn

A whole number and a fractional number can be compared. One number is either greater than, less than or equal to the other number.

When comparing fractional numbers to whole number, convert the fraction to a decimal number by division and compare the numbers. It may be helpful to count the decimal places of your converted fraction and add that many zeroes after the decimal point of the whole number.

To compare, start with the integer portion of the two numbers. If one is larger, then it is the larger number overall and you are done. If they are the same, move on to the tenths digit and compare again.

Example: Compare 4 and 13/3.

First, divide the 13 by the three:

4 . 3
3 1 3 . 0
- 1 2
1 0
- 9

We could continue our long division, bringing down more placeholder zeroes from the 13.0, but we don't need that many digits to compare.

We can see already that 4.3 is larger than 4.0, so the fraction 13/3 is larger than the whole number 4.

Compare Fractions and Whole Numbers: Practice


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