Fractions and Percents

Fractions to Percents: Learn

Do the following steps to convert a fraction to a percent:

  • Divide the numerator of the fraction by the denominator
  • Multiply by 100 (Move the decimal point two places to the right)
  • Round the answer to the desired precision.
  • Label the answer with the % sign

For example: Convert 4/5 to a percent.

  • Divide 4 ÷ 5 = 0.80
  • Multiply 0.80 * 100 = 80
  • 80 does not need rounding
  • 80%

Here are some equivalent expressions that could help you understand this conversion:

  • 4/5
  • Fourth-fifths
  • Four out of five
  • Four is 80% of five

Fractions to Percents: Practice

What Percent Does the Fraction Represent?


Convert to a percent

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